Studies in Christian Education

(3 customer reviews)


Taken from a series of lectures given by E.A. Sutherland, this book sets forth in no uncertain terms the importance of following true education in the last days. We would do well to heed its counsel.

We have this book available in both English and Spanish.

Haz clic aquí para ver este libro en español.

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“Now, as never before, we need to understand the true science of education. If we fail to understand this we shall never have a place in the kingdom of God.”

“That church triumphs which breaks the yoke of worldly education, and which develops and practices the principles of Christian education.”

Taken from a series of lectures given by E.A. Sutherland, this book sets forth in no uncertain terms the importance of following true education in the last days. We would do well to heed its counsel.

We have this book available in both English and Spanish.

Haz clic aquí para ver este libro en español.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in

English, Spanish


new, minor cosmetic defect/slightly damaged

3 reviews for Studies in Christian Education

  1. Jehlise Woodburn

    This book is incredible.
    Another beautiful deep book by Edward A. Sutherland.
    To think and see that the paths of Protestantism could have been changed had Martin Luther & Melanchthon understood the power they held in schools, educating children at home with their parents and had appointed successors to continue this work, oh how the way we have walked could have been different.
    But it can be, we can be that change, break the cycle of not experiencing Christ for ourselves and or not teaching this experience and this relationship, this connection with Christ exemplified in the life of parents and Godly Teachers.
    This book is a must read/listen!
    Prepare to see a different perspective.

  2. Ester Harmse

    I’m 25 years old, and I can say this book is worth its weight in gold. It tells the story of education that relates to all walks of life in a simple yet profound way. After I was given this book, it took months to get through, as I would often put it down to ponder after only one page. Really challenges traditional views on education. Highly recommend ++++

  3. A mother

    Studies in Christian Education changed my whole understanding of education! Then I read Education where the same principles are found!

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