Educating a Thinking Generation USB

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God’s plan of education made simple. Full of new and up-to-date scientific information and practical advice.

Available in DVD or USB format. Click here to order the DVD format.

We have this USB available in English, Spanish, and French.

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Cliquez ici pour voir cette série en français.

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To raise thinkers and not mere reflectors is the work of true education. But what to do when conventional educational methodologies tend the opposite direction? The educational methods most common today and are far removed from God’s methods designed to prepared spiritually strong generation, and often do more harm than good. How can we know what is best?

Using brain science and educational research, Joshua White presents a clear, compelling, and practical view of God’s methods of education. Through the presentations in this DVD series, parents and teachers alike will be supplied with the knowledge and practical application, and be better equipped to raise and educate their children for eternal life.

Disc 1: A Thinking Generation, part 1
The End-Time Battle for the Mind, and How to Win the Battle

Disc 2: A Thinking Generation, part 2

Disc 3: God’s Schedule for Spiritual Strength, part 1
Brain Development, Character, and Misplaced Priorities in the Child’s Early Years

Disc 4: God’s Schedule for Spiritual Strength, part 2

Disc 5: Educating Thinkers
Understanding Worldly vs Eternal Methods of Education

Disc 6: Character Development for Thinkers
Earthly Success vs Developing the Character for Eternity

Disc 7: Practicality, and Your Questions Answered!
Practical Tips for Following God’s Plan

Disc 8: Interviews from the Classroom of the Remnant Series

We have this USB available in English, Spanish, and French.

Haz clic aquí para ver este serie en español.

Cliquez ici pour voir cette série en français.